Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hard Corps: Uprising

I thought I would try out a review, and see what people think of it, so here we go.

A couple of weeks back, I expressed to my brother a desire to play a side scrolling shooter, something you don't see all that much of any more.  I quite like the Metal Slug series, they are quirky and fun, but really not worth 1200 microsoft points in my opinion.  Then shortly after I came across Hard Corps: Uprising, and my wish was granted.  With that in mind, I wish Sony would release Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3 for the PS3... *waits expectantly*
So I bought Uprising yesterday and have been playing both solo and co-op.  Visually I found the game very impressive, it has a great style, with lots of stuff going on on-screen at any given moment, movement in the background, rustling bushes in the jungle, and so on.  The almost anime style graphics stand out from a lot of other games, with a lot of depth and detail, I was pleasantly surprised for a side scrolling arcade title.  The animations are clear and expressive, the enemies, though faceless, convey emotion in deaths and little background comedy scenes that are highly entertaining, deliberately like an amateur dramatics Shakespeare production.

The sound works well, effects and ambient all fit well within the gameplay, and are very apt for each level.  Nothing really leapt out at me, it is very much background noise really, but that is more than enough for this type of game.  The only thing that did stand out for me, is when you are causing damage on things like turrets and bosses, when they sound for some reason like an electronic dinosaur...
Gameplay is the key feature of any game obviously, especially in an arcade action heavy offering like this.  Side scrollers all tend to be very similar, move steadily right, pick up weapon upgrades, and shoot all the enemies running left, and the odd few that come from behind.  At its' heart it is nothing you haven't seen before, but Uprising adds quite a bit to this formula.  I haven't played the old Contra games really, aside from a few brief attempts many many years ago, so I have no idea what features are new for this.  Uprising features two weapon slots, allowing you to switch back and forth between two different special weapons, rather than just being able to carry one at any given time, and it makes a big difference.  Many of these games suffer when you lose your special weapon, resorting to the default weapon can make the game incredibly difficult, and not always much fun.  By carrying two special weapons, you can take a hit, lose one, and still keep blasting away with over the top wargear.  It really helps with the pace in my opinion, and lessens the chance of you being stuck against screenfuls of enemies with only a basic weapon.

The weapons themselves include a couple of genre standards, machine gun and spread gun, as well as a few more esoteric weapons like the very short ranged missile launcher (crash gun), and the ripple gun, which looks a lot like a pressure washer.
The enemies are nicely varied, with basic grunts that run across screen taking the occasional shot, to instant death snipers, robot alligators, and bats.  The tension is kept high as there are usually quite a few different enemies on screen at any given time, giving you a range of different attacks to overcome at once, jumping, ducking, and shooting your way past leaping frogs, arcing artillery, and lasers of doom.  Having a health bar comprised of several boxes does away with the traditional one hit kill gameplay style and gives you much better odds, eliminating some of the incredible frustration games of this type can cause.

the levels are very varied, and can change significantly within a level too

As well as the basic arcade mode, there is also Rising mode.  In Rising mode, you earn Corp Points, which you can then spend on your character between levels, or from the title screen.  Upgrades range from having more health boxes, lives, and continues, to starting the game with a special weapon, and can also purchase special abilities.  These abilities are context sensitive, activated with the B button, and include the ability to reflect incoming bullets, or vaulting over low obstacles when you are dashing.
The various upgrades are really well balanced, and make you think about what you want, there are no obvious choices, and no wrong options as you spend your well earned points.  It makes the game significantly more replayable as you grind levels (you can replay any level as many times as you like) to earn points and buy cool stuff.
It is a tremendous amount of fun, and in my opinion well worth buying, but there are a few issues.  Firstly, some of the checkpoints mid level can be a long way apart, if you die against a boss, you can often be pushed back half a level, having to battle your way through all over again.  The levels aren't too long, so you never have more than a couple of minutes of ground to recover, but if you die a few times, you will find yourself cursing, and I stopped playing a few times at the thought of having to do the same section over and over again, just to defeat one boss.
The other big problem I have encountered was playing co-op with my brother.  We played through the first two levels in rising mode, but I was the only one to earn any Corp Points for upgrades, he just had a default character and didn't earn anything.  When we relaunched the game from his account to check, he could earn points, but I couldn't.  This makes local co-op a bit of a waste of time, as one of you will always be the basic, un-upgraded character.  My brother does not have a gold account, so whether or not there is some way around this problem if you have two gold membership players, I don't know.  Hopefully there is some way for two local players to have a proper game together, presumably if you play online with someone you both earn points for playing?  It is a real kick in the teeth for anyone wanting to play local co-op, and seems to continue the unfortunate trend of ignoring this aspect of gaming.

Initially there are two characters available to use, Bahamut, and Krystal.  They have the same weapons, but Bahamut has 3 starting health squares, to Krystal's 2, making him easier to use.  If you are playing Rising mode, the points you earn can only be spent on the character you earned them as, and stages you unlock can only be played as that character too, each character is entirely separate in that regard.
The other two characters you see in the opening intro sequence (a very cool animated intro story showing you the protagonists) are available as DLC.  They are 200 points each, and whether you think they are worth it is of course entirely personal.  I downloaded and tried them both, in order to give you a thorough analysis.  Sayuri is an assassin, and has no gun, her standard attack is with a samurai sword.  It does significantly more damage than any of the guns, which offsets the problem of having o get in close to attack.  She does also have a charge up range attack, by holding X down for a few seconds, which is very useful against many of the ranged enemies, and for keeping out of trouble.  Harley though is less unique, he starts with 4 health squares, and apparently his weapon and health upgrades are cheaper than the other three, but he has nothing special aside from that, so I probably wouldn't bother spending 200mp's on him, unless you really want to play as a 70's rocker.
Between the four characters, there are two male, and two female, which I think is a good way to go, and each one has a very brief backstory (very very brief).  Given the separation of each character, you probably don't want to play too many, I am using Krystal and Sayuri, as they play very differently, but you probably wouldn't want to have games going for both Bahamut and Harley, for example, as they are so similar.

If you are a side scrolling shooter fan, this is definitely the best of them out there and I highly recommend it, it is colourful, much deeper than you might imagine for this genre, and loads of fun to play.  It is pretty hard, and can definitely give you many many hours of gaming, retrying levels over and over, upgrading until you can try that next challenging mission.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Genre Labels

Like a great many people on here, I am a fan of Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation videos.  They are highly entertaining and his views and cutting sense of humour are very similar to my own.  There is one thing however that annoys me, and that is his dismissal of certain games based on their genres.
Clearly Yahtzee is entitled to his opinions, and utilises hyperbole for the benefit of making quality entertainment, but both of his Dead Space reviews have annoyed me.  The main reason he pans them is because they do not match his concept of survival horror.  He wants to play a survival horror game like Silent Hill 2, and attacks Dead Space for not meeting those criteria.    This annoys because genres are a simple way of helping you to explain or understand something, or to find a book in a library.  Filing a game under a specific genre helps you identify things you may or may not like.

Genres however are not boundaries or limitations.  You will not find a dictionary definition of what makes a game a survival horror, or an action adventure, or anything else.  There are no rules or checklists.  They are a guide for finding something you might like, nothing more.  What happens in Yahtzee's reviews for both Dead Space games is that he labels them bad for not conforming to his preferences within survival horror, rather than approaching them simply as games.  Treating genres as a series of parameters a game must fall within to be good is just silly.

As gaming progresses, we are seeing more complex offerings, a blurring of lines and distinctions.  More and more games straddle multiple genres, some more successfully than others.  Feel free to dislike a game, just don't complain that it doesn't meet a set of criteria you have arbitrarily assigned it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Haven't done one of these for a while, as I haven't been playing anything I hadn't already spoken about, but I have had a new gaming influx, and it is time for a run down once again.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

I am really enjoying this so far, just reached sequence 6, so about two thirds of the way into it.  As you will all know, it is largely more of the same, and if you liked 2, you will like this.  It has a few more tweaks, but nothing that needs to be discussed in detail.  The execution combos and the ability to call in an assassin make the combat even easier than before, and quite a few people have criticised this.  But I feel these complaints are misplaced.  In both the original, and in 2, you never had any trouble killing enemies, you could engage entire regiments and leave the dead stacked high.  Realistically, the kill streak and allied assassin's merely speed up the inevitable, and I feel keep things moving along nicely.  The kill streak in particular, pull off a successful counter attack execution, and all you have to do is push the stick in the direction of a new enemy, and press attack, to auto kill them too.  You could be forgiven for thinking that makes every fight too easy, but really, do you actually benefit from making every kill a separate successful counter attack?  the combos really just speed it up, and you have to dodge and block successfully to maintain the streak.

The game is not flawless, I have a couple of minor issues with it.  These are just cosmetic, nothing really major.  Firstly, those of you who played 2 will recall the jump climb ability that the female thief teaches you.  In Brotherhood, you begin the game with this skill, but when you lose your equipment early on, for some reason you lose this ability, even though it isn't granted to you by an item, and you have to wait quite a while before you get it back when Leonardo makes you a climbing glove.  Not important, just one of those slightly jarring moments.  The next problem I have is the wanted posters.  They appear on walls and platforms high up for your benefit, so that you can free run about getting them down.  I appreciate that it is for the player, but when you are trying to make an ancient city seem alive and natural, shouldn't wanted posters be at street level where the civilians can see them?  I can see why they are the way they are, but since the posters are not a challenge anyway, I feel Ubisoft would have been better off going for realism over gameplay on this particular issue.  Another issue i have with it is the civilians that fill the city.  In this game, as you remove Borgia influence and renovate the city, your popularity spreads, and citizens come to your assistance in fights.  The problem here is, as any of you who have played previous games will know, Ezio's blades seem to have some sort of magnetic attraction to civilians.  I can only imagine that guard's armour has the same polarity as Ezio's various stabby implements, and he slides away from them into squishy people.  The number of times you try to use the hidden blade on a guard, and Ezio turns slightly and executes a random civilian is ludicrous, and this problem is significantly compounded when citizens rush in to fight.  It is rather ironic that in rushing to your aid, they actually make the fight an awful lot harder, as you have to be very careful you don't stab them instead.  The final problem I have is that for a game entitled 'Assassin's Creed' the actual stealth/assassination missions are easily the weakest.  The game does not do stealth terribly well, and I find the missions where you cannot be spotted very irritating.  you only have to go near a guard and you fail.

Having just played shortly before writing this, I will add too a couple of times in a row where it has stated I failed the full synchronisation requirements, even when I didn't...

Despite these minor quibbles, it is an awesome game, loving playing it, and can't wait for the next installment.

plenty of colourful characters


I picked this up on the cheap before Christmas, I loved FEAR and the expansions, but hadn't gotten round to 2.  With 3 coming out not too far away, I thought I better catch up.  Not played it too much so far with Christmas goodies to play, but so far it seems a lot like the first games, and I am enjoying it.

great AI as before, other developers really need to take note

Uncharted 2

Like Assassin's Creed 2 in my previous week in gaming blog, this is another game I had previously bought, completed, and traded in whilst I was unemployed.  Like Assassin's Creed 2, now that I am working again I have re-bought it to enjoy again (also got God of War 3 and Splinter Cell Conviction again too, but not played them yet).  This game is just awesome, a must buy if you are a PS3 gamer.  The story is great, the graphics beautiful, action is thrilling.  What I love most about this game though is that the characters are incredibly human.  Their discussions, their banter, insults, are all incredibly believable, you get into the spirit of the events, and you laugh along with them.  Nathan Drake is the reluctant hero you can believe.  He isn't macho, he is self deprecating, he likes a wry laugh.  The little jibes between characters are wonderful, and the whole experience is amazing start to finish, pick it up.

an incredible range of breathtaking vistas await you

Playstation Move

I am a tech junkie, I love trying out new things.  Whilst this has been out for some months I was waiting for there to be something I really wanted to play it with.  With Kinect I wanted to see what the tech was like, and bought it regardless of software.  With the Move, it is obviously a Wii for a more traditional gamer, so I was more interested in seeing how the games were implemented.  A few things are coming out soon (dead space, killzone 3) that will use Move in some way, so I wanted to buy it in time for those.  With the system I got Time Crisis Razing Storm, and RUSE.

I am a huge Time Crisis fan, they are the only games I ever played in arcades, and I spent many a coin in them.  They are just a great, fun lightgun game, and as far as lightgun shooters go, they are second only to silent scope (if I ever win the lottery, I am going to buy myself a set of the silent scope arcade machines).  Razing Storm was panned here on IGN, rating a pathetic 4, and the story mode of Razing Storm is awful.  The controls just don't work.  Instead of standard rail shooter, they have given you movement controls with the navigation controller, and it just doesn't work.  The ranking mode is traditional though, if very short, and is ok.  Dead Storm Pirates also comes on the disk, and is an ok distraction.  I wasn't terribly taken with it, but shooting skeletons and giant crabs is kinda funny.  Also on the disk is Time Crisis 4, which IGN also panned, but frankly it is a standard Time Crisis game, if you like the others, you will like this one, you know exactly what you are getting, and for a series like this, that is no bad thing.  You play lightgun games to wave a plastic gun round, it is a test of your accuracy, you don't play them for plot or character development.  I love Time Crisis, so I love 4 too, though it seems quite a bit harder than previous titles to me.  It is fun, great to play for a quick session, has some humerous moments, and great if you get two controllers and play co-op, good for getting a few friends round.

who doesn't like shooting undead pirates?


With my laptop being at death's door, I have been unable to game on it, which means no RTS.  I am an RTS junkie, so this has been a real problem.  I don't want to play any console RTS games because I need a mouse.  When RUSE came out with move compatibility, this was my chance to get my RTS fix with a hopefully suitable system that works as well as a mouse.  I haven't played this too much either, having worked so much over christmas and new year, but I have enjoyed it so far.  Move controls work exceedingly well, making control and navigation incredibly easy.  As for the game itself, it is pretty cool, I am only on the early levels so far, where it gives you everything you need and you just follow the numbers to win, your granny could do it.  I shall have to wait until I get to missions where you build your own forces to assess its' RTS credentials, but so far the graphics are good, the zoom is smooth and responsive, from third person close up right back to command table sector view.

All in all the Move is a great system, absolutely accurate, and very easy to use.  It is basically a PS3 controller with a pointer, so you need no instruction on how to use it,   The Kinect suffered from not having a manual because it is such a different system, they really need to tell you what it actually does.  The Move though suffers no such problems, if you are a PS3 gamer, you know what x and o do, and you can probably work out how to point at a screen, so it is very simple.  The navigation controller is great if you are just using your PS3 to watch a film or internet tv etc. it is much smaller and more convenient than the standard pad, and great for navigating the menus.

What have you been playing?  Any opinions on the above?